“As a self-proclaimed and self-defined Haux, I am empowered to express my sensuality and sexuality in ways that best fit me, legally and ethically. My sexual expressions are not bound by the negative sexual stigmas, phobias and -isms of society. I give myself permission to explore myself and respectfully engage others to further my knowledge and awareness of Self and the world around me. I give myself permission to make my own boundaries and determine how I want to be regarded. I take care of my being: mind, body and soul.

By entering and engaging in sacred Haux Hive spaces, I understand and consent to the following rules of engagement, The Haux Code.”




Like Vegas, what happens at The Haux Hive STAYS at The Haux Hive. This is a safe space. Violators will be banned from this and future Haux Hive activities.


We are a diverse group of people with varying skin colors, sexual preferences, gender identities, and backgrounds. We've all come together to explore and discuss the magic and variety of sexual expression. And we all deserve the same respect. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and the like will not be tolerated.

3. DON'T JUDGE YOURSELF - Again, this is a safe space and NOTHING leaves this space. Nothing is too 'out there.'

4. KEEP IT CONSENSUAL - Ask before touching people. Have conversations about boundaries before engaging.

5. KNOW YOUR LIMITS - Kink responsibly. Over Consuming alcohol or any substance impairs your judgment and removes your ability to make sound and informed decisions. If for any reason we feel you are beyond your limits or a risk to others, we will remove you from the space for the safety of you and the other guests. Know Your Limits and be able to articulate them to potential play partners.

6. CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO HAUXLINESS- Please clean up after yourself!!!!

7. Have fun, learn a lot, and BE FREE!

Failure to honor the Haux Code may result in suspension or a permanent ban from Haux Hive spaces, events and activities.